Pastor Joshua & Mary Onyari Osiemo
Pastor in-Charge Eastern District ZoneHe is an ardent disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, enthusiastic and passionately involved in the work of His Master, Jesus Christ.
He has resiliently served the Lord since he was a student at Kabete Technical Institute where he was actively involved in soul winning. He has handled diverse issues (interpersonal relationships, evangelism, discipleship, kingdom service etc.) with all the keenness that it deserves no wonder his background in pharmacy. He is also an accomplished entrepreneur.
Currently, he is serving as the District pastor of the Eastern District, an administrative zone of Deliverance church Eldoret.
He’s married to Pst. Mary with whom they jointly serve as pastors at Deliverance church Eldoret and they’re blessed with three sons; Victor, Judah and Caleb.