Pastor Prof. John & Pamela Lusweti Kitui
Pastor in-Charge Northern District ZoneHe is a calm person who possesses a composed personality with a big heart of servanthood. He’s passionately involved in any cause that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ. He whole-heartedly serves the Lord Jesus Christ with humbling obedience regardless of his status in society.
Over the years, he has tirelessly served the Lord at Deliverance church Eldoret in various capacities as an usher, a cell group leader, a member and chairman of the Board of management of Eldoret Rapha education center a school that is a project of Deliverance church Eldoret. He is an accomplished educationalist and researcher currently working with the University of Eldoret.
Currently, he is serving as the District pastor of the Northern District, an administrative zone of Deliverance church Eldoret.
Pastor Lusweti is married to Pst. Pamella with whom they jointly serve as pastors at Deliverance church Eldoret and are blessed with five children; three sons: Victor, Timothy and David and two daughters; Faith and Mercy.